Skimmer chick in the sand

here's a little chick in it's sandy nest; they dig a little hole by pushing their bodies in the sand and digging backwards with their legs. The mouth is open for ventilation (sort of like a dog panting).

skimmer family

Here they are, at water's edge. ( I really liked the wet sand and it's reflections. ) One of the chicks was a bit older, and so was trying out just one wing.
This is just a little 5" x 7", so I didn't have room to fit the other parent, not being a miniature painter by any means. Using a small brush, in fact, runs against my nature. But I do have some larger canvases ready, so stay tuned. I'll get the whole family portrait eventually.
Cheers, Susan

Skimmer chick

Here is the first Skimmer chick; this was painted over "glass bead gel", which I think gives a nice grainy, sand effect.
I was captivated watching the Skimmer family raise their chicks on the open beach on a recent trip to visit my folks in Florida...fascinating!

angel bingo

this is what happens when I have to clean my studio. I found all these little torn pieces of wisdom about angels....a slide holder... marbled fabric...(and, of course; Gracie), how could I throw all that away? It sort of reminds me of a bingo board.
So, welcome home to a (sort of) clean room, Michelle!

Skimmer dad

OK, folks. Here is Skimmer painting #1.
I discovered: A. I don't own black paint. B. First attempt with micaceous oxide (sort of black) looked like a blob C. Persevere!
But, I sort of like this guy. His quirkiness is captured, I think.
Stay tuned

garden angel

Here is a garden angel, on wood.
I did work on ocean backgrounds for the birds this weekend! No birds yet though.....soon.


Here is another photo transfer of dad, on his real the words of my mother, from her 17th year diary, "Gee, that Britt is so cute".



Birthday boy

Stanley Hart Brittingham, born 8/7/21.......isn't he adorable!

Happy Birthday, dad! (a few days early, but we're celebrating tonight)

Love you



This painting has been entered in the High Country Watermedia Society show and has been (reportedly) featured on a local tv show....however, I'm in Florida so will miss the reception tomorrow night!
I made this painting over a year ago but it was soooo busy (yes, busier than this!), so I recently reworked it by painting the background animals blue.
Cheers, Susan

Charlotte's Ark

This is a study for a mural I made several years ago for my great niece, Charlotte (yes, that's her in the center porthole!) Since she has recently moved to a new room to make way for her baby brother, I thought she might like this as a keepsake; it's on it's way!